堤亞瓦舍民宿(Tender Yard Wellshop Bed and Breakfast)
一田一墅民宿(Village B & B)
羽過天輕渡假民宿(Sunlax B&B)
薇嬁民宿(Weiden House Bed and Breakfast)
優遊真綻民宿(Yoyolife Hostel)
點點民宿(Dot Dot Bed and Breakfast)
萊法居民宿(La Maison de France)
明遠藝遊民宿(Ming Yuan Bed and Breakfast)
幸福橘子民宿(Happy Orange B&B)
福泰冬山厝(Forte Dong-Shan Villa)
夏爾迦民宿(Sharjah B&B)
法頌休閒居(Fason House)
傳藝渡假會館(Traditional Arts Villa)
敲敲門青年旅館(Knock Knock Bed and Breakfast)
大小頑童民宿(Child Fun Bed and Breakfast)
香草花舞(Flower Bed and Breakfast)