敲敲門青年旅館(Knock Knock Bed and Breakfast)
冬山河人文會館(River B&B)
羅東幼獅大飯店(The Lion Hotel)
亞奇文旅(Artch Inn)
羅東戀館旅宿(Lian Guan Inn)
木棉道美學商旅(Kapok Hotel and Resorts)
大小頑童民宿(Child Fun Bed and Breakfast)
羅東夜市幸福yes民宿(Happiness Yes Hostel)
國城飯店(Guo Chen Hotel)
時光旅宿(Time Traveling Hostel)
旅行盒子民宿(Travel Box Guesthouse)
羅東夜市Lets go(Letsgo Ldys Hote)
糖果屋民宿(Candy House B & B)
三月三旅店(March Three Inn)
大小頑童民宿-童玩館(Child Fun Tong Wan Bed and Breakfast)