情定珍珠民宿(Love in Pearl Hostel)
田中歐寒集民宿(Orhangen Homestay)
涵暄精品民宿(Han Shian Homestay)
玫瑰國度民宿(Rose Country Bed and Breakfast)
小鎮漫漫(Manman B&B)
真水蘭陽白鷺鷥民宿(Beautiful Ilan Resort)
京園民宿(Sunshine guesthouse)
浮水印民宿(Full Sweet Inn)
隱廬民宿(In Lulls Bed and Breakfast)
堤亞瓦舍民宿(Tender Yard Wellshop Bed and Breakfast)
芯園-我的夢中城堡(Xin Yuan Castle Hotel)
一田一墅民宿(Village B & B)
明水露渡假民宿(Mingshuilu B & B)
樂健活日光綠築民宿(LOHERB Bed and Breakfast)
香格里拉渡假飯店(Shangrila Boutique Hotel)