香格里拉渡假飯店(Shangrila Boutique Hotel)
深溝仔民宿(Deep Canyon Hostel)
設計師的家休閒民宿(Designer House)
宜然風鄉村民宿(Nature Country Homestay)
城市角落民宿(City Corner B&B)
幸福蝸牛民宿(Happy Snail Bed and Breakfast)
羽過天輕渡假民宿(Sunlax B&B)
晨園民宿(Morning Garden Bed and Breakfast)
夢想森林親子民宿(Dream Forest Bed and Breakfast)
卓雅生態會館(Zoeya Resort)
河畔水漾民宿(Riverside Bed and Breakfast)
圓舞曲民宿(The Waltz Bed and Breakfast)
宜蘭小魚的家(Fish House Hostel)
福泰冬山厝(Forte Dong-Shan Villa)
傳藝渡假會館(Traditional Arts Villa)
香草星空民宿(Vanilla Star Sky B & B)