樂夏19民宿(Sommer 19 Guesthouse)
晨園民宿(Morning Garden Bed and Breakfast)
堤亞瓦舍民宿(Tender Yard Wellshop Bed and Breakfast)
一田一墅民宿(Village B & B)
羽過天輕渡假民宿(Sunlax B&B)
薇嬁民宿(Weiden House Bed and Breakfast)
優遊真綻民宿(Yoyolife Hostel)
點點民宿(Dot Dot Bed and Breakfast)
萊法居民宿(La Maison de France)
明遠藝遊民宿(Ming Yuan Bed and Breakfast)
幸福橘子民宿(Happy Orange B&B)
福泰冬山厝(Forte Dong-Shan Villa)
夏爾迦民宿(Sharjah B&B)
法頌休閒居(Fason House)
傳藝渡假會館(Traditional Arts Villa)
敲敲門青年旅館(Knock Knock Bed and Breakfast)
大小頑童民宿(Child Fun Bed and Breakfast)
香草花舞(Flower Bed and Breakfast)
貝兒花園民宿(Belle Garden Hotel)
山水商務飯店(Sun Sweet Hotel)
安禾時尚旅館(Anho Hotel)
東方商務大飯店(East Commercial Affairs Hotel)
金城客棧(King Town Hotel)
羅東幼獅大飯店(The Lion Hotel)
亞奇文旅(Artch Inn)
香草星空民宿(Vanilla Star Sky B & B)
木棉道美學商旅(Kapok Hotel and Resorts)
宜泰大飯店(Kavalan Hotel)
羅東夜市-印民宿(Inn House)
第五季國際旅店(Season 5 inn)