傳藝渡假會館(Traditional Arts Villa)
薇嬁民宿(Weiden House Bed and Breakfast)
晨露庄 (The Dew B&B)
冬山河人文會館(River B&B)
香草星空民宿(Vanilla Star Sky B & B)
設計師的家休閒民宿(Designer House)
綠舞國際觀光飯店(Dancewoods Hotels and Resorts)
糖果屋民宿(Candy House B & B)
情定珍珠民宿(Love in Pearl Hostel)
蘭陽溪口民宿(Lanyang Beach Villa)
芯園-我的夢中城堡(Xin Yuan Castle Hotel)
神之島民宿(God Island Bed and Breakfast)
安禾時尚旅館(Anho Hotel)
金城客棧(King Town Hotel)
東方商務大飯店(East Commercial Affairs Hotel)
敲敲門青年旅館(Knock Knock Bed and Breakfast)
山水商務飯店(Sun Sweet Hotel)
第五季國際旅店(Season 5 inn)
晶樺商務大飯店(Jin Hua Hotel)
宜泰大飯店(Kavalan Hotel)
羅東夜市-印民宿(Inn House)
遇而歡田園民宿(Real Fun Bed and Breakfast)
大小頑童民宿(Child Fun Bed and Breakfast)
幸福橘子民宿(Happy Orange B&B)
羅東幼獅大飯店(The Lion Hotel)
亞奇文旅(Artch Inn)
木棉道美學商旅(Kapok Hotel and Resorts)
羅東戀館旅宿(Lian Guan Inn)
羅東夜市幸福yes民宿(Happiness Yes Hostel)