岸196民宿(Ashore 196 Bed and Breakfast)
明遠藝遊民宿(Ming Yuan Bed and Breakfast)
點點民宿(Dot Dot Bed and Breakfast)
安儂居民宿(AnLong Homestay)
情定珍珠民宿(Love in Pearl Hostel)
田中歐寒集民宿(Orhangen Homestay)
涵暄精品民宿(Han Shian Homestay)
玫瑰國度民宿(Rose Country Bed and Breakfast)
小鎮漫漫(Manman B&B)
真水蘭陽白鷺鷥民宿(Beautiful Ilan Resort)
京園民宿(Sunshine guesthouse)
浮水印民宿(Full Sweet Inn)
隱廬民宿(In Lulls Bed and Breakfast)
堤亞瓦舍民宿(Tender Yard Wellshop Bed and Breakfast)
芯園-我的夢中城堡(Xin Yuan Castle Hotel)
一田一墅民宿(Village B & B)
明水露渡假民宿(Mingshuilu B & B)
樂健活日光綠築民宿(LOHERB Bed and Breakfast)
香格里拉渡假飯店(Shangrila Boutique Hotel)
香格里拉冬山河渡假飯店(Shangrila Boutique Hotel)
深溝仔民宿(Deep Canyon Hostel)
設計師的家休閒民宿(Designer House)
宜然風鄉村民宿(Nature Country Homestay)
城市角落民宿(City Corner B&B)
幸福蝸牛民宿(Happy Snail Bed and Breakfast)
羽過天輕渡假民宿(Sunlax B&B)
晨園民宿(Morning Garden Bed and Breakfast)
夢想森林親子民宿(Dream Forest Bed and Breakfast)
卓雅生態會館(Zoeya Resort)